An applicant may request an exemption if they become ill, are injured, on jury duty, on Family Medical Leave, or called for military service and it can be documented by a physician or government official. The applicant requesting leave must be registered on the out-of-work list and must notify the Business Manager in writing. The applicant on leave will retain their position as long as they are covered by documentation verifying their inability to be employed. While exempt, the applicant must continue to resign monthly.
Applicants may exempt their name from the out-of-work list for personal reasons not related to the above. Applicants who are exempt will not be offered job calls or be charged with a turn-down during this exempt period. This only applies to available referral positions one through thirty
Applicants wishing to declare themselves exempt must:
- Notify the Business Manager in writing (regular mail, fax, email) or in person before job calls - No phone calls
- Exemptions must be made in five day increments (two five day periods or one 10 day period within one calendar year.)
- If an applicant requests a period of time to be exempt, they must remain exempt for that period of time. (No early returns. No exceptions.)
- If the Applicant has turn-downs listed before their exemption request, the "dings" will remain after the exemption is over
- An applicant will still be responsible for the monthly resign during their exemption period